Healthy and Happy

Snacking is an American pastime! We do it throughout the day, and in the summer when we're active, we like to eat our snacks indoors, outdoors, traveling, and sitting still. In this month's blog, we're sharing eleven of our favorite snacks. We know you'll find them absolutely delicious all summer long!

Who doesn't love a throwback food? But now that we're focused on eating healthy, we also want to make our throwback food with our health in mind. That's why this month we focus on sharing our ideas for healthy throwback foods you won't forget. And you might even decide to make this one your throwback food in the future.

Natural sweeteners are becoming increasingly popular as people are looking for healthier alternatives to refined sugar. There are several benefits such as low calories, low glycemic index, nutrient-rich, natural flavors, and environmentally friendly. We share some of our favorites. Overall, natural sweeteners can be a great addition to a healthy diet, providing sweetness without the negative health effects associated with regular sugar.

This month we're sharing how we pair It's Nola Granola Snacks with beverage(s). From your favorite tea, coffee and plant-based milk to your favorite wine or something stronger, our snacks create a delightful experience. Plus, there's no mess. It's a chewy texture filled with gratifying taste in every bite. Pairing It's Nola Granola Snacks with beverages is truly an enjoyable experience. As many of our customers say as they nod with a smile, "That's good! I didn't expect that."
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Being healthy requires a thoughtful approach and that's why we're sharing some simple ways to swap some of your favorite foods that might not be the healthiest for healthier versions. We know how important tastes is when it comes to eating. Healthy does not have to be tasteless. When you try these healthy versions, don't be afraid to have fun with seasonings and light sauces. We believe that healthy food should taste good.

There's no need to rush into making New Year resolutions. We encourage you start 2023 taking the time to slowly ease into healthy lifestyle routines. To get you started, we have eight easy tips on how you can kick off the new year. We're here to support your health and wellness goals.

The holiday season is upon us! We're excited to share with you some healthy options for making amazing food this season. Try some of these healthy alternatives. Keep in mind that we're here to provide you with the best healthy options we know. If you have some you'd like to share with us, don't hesitate to send them our way at We'd love to hear from you.

The holiday season is full of fond memories especially all the amazing foods that make this season special. This month, we're focused on making those classic dishes from our childhoods a bit healthier and still tasty.

We're talking about hormones and food this month. As we seek to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle, we want to know more about the foods we eat and how they affect growth, metabolism, aging, energy, reproduction, etc. Did you know one of the reasons our CEO, Dr. Margaret Barrow starting making her own chewy granola snack bites was due to an increase of weight during menopause? No matter our age, our hormones play a vital role in our health. The more you know the better choices you can make for you and your family.