Healthy and Happy

How to Slowly Ease into a Healthier Lifestyle
Jan 01, 2023
There's no need to rush into making New Year resolutions. We encourage you start 2023 taking the time to slowly ease into healthy lifestyle routines. To get you started, we have eight easy tips on how you can kick off the new year. We're here to support your health and wellness goals.
Healthy Holiday Baking and Cooking Swaps
Dec 01, 2022
The holiday season is upon us! We're excited to share with you some healthy options for making amazing food this season. Try some of these healthy alternatives. Keep in mind that we're here to provide you with the best healthy options we know. If you have some you'd like to share with us, don't hesitate to send them our way at We'd love to hear from you.
How to Put a Healthy Spin on Holiday Classics
Nov 01, 2022
The holiday season is full of fond memories especially all the amazing foods that make this season special. This month, we're focused on making those classic dishes from our childhoods a bit healthier and still tasty.
How Certain Foods Can Affect Our Hormones
Oct 01, 2022
We're talking about hormones and food this month. As we seek to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle, we want to know more about the foods we eat and how they affect growth, metabolism, aging, energy, reproduction, etc. Did you know one of the reasons our CEO, Dr. Margaret Barrow starting making her own chewy granola snack bites was due to an increase of weight during menopause? No matter our age, our hormones play a vital role in our health. The more you know the better choices you can make for you and your family.
Family Dinner Meal Planning Tips
Sep 01, 2022
We're sharing tips this month about meal planning to make the process a bit easier.  You only need to start with a simple question: What's do we want to eat? Go backwards. Once you figure out what you want to eat for the week, you can shop and prep. There are other tips for prepping to relieve the stress of trying to figure out what to cook. We're here to help you maintain a life healthy and happy lifestyle.
Aging and Eating
Aug 01, 2022
Aging gracefully takes knowledge about the foods you need to eat to keep your body and mind strong. Exercising daily is important too. In the August blog, we provide some food tips about eating foods rich in nutrients to keep you healthy and strong.
A Guide to Grain Bowls
Jul 01, 2022
The summer season is upon us and that means spending more time outside in the...
How to Elevate Your Backyard BBQs and Summer Cookouts
Jun 01, 2022
BBQs are a cultural pastime! If you've ever hosted a bbq or went to one, it's something you never forget. It's time to level up your bbq game with 7-tips. From original drinks to snacks, we've got your back! The best advice is to have fun and be creative with your food and drink choices this year. Create memorable bbq moments. At It's Nola, we want you healthy and happy.
The Best Springtime Herbs for Your Garden
May 01, 2022
Knowing which types of herbs to use can make a huge difference in the recipes you make. May's blog is all about sharing some our favorite herbs to use during the spring. You want to focus on the what we're calling the classic "lighter' herbs that delight the palate. If you're foodies like us, herbs matter because great taste matters.